FOUNDATIONS .. We have already started with the foundations for our Outside Kitchen Area at our Sanctuary for Vulnerable Adults & Children.
VOLUNTEERS .. We are made up solely of volunteers, many of which are vulnerable themselves.
NOT FOR PROFIT .. We are a not for profit organisation.
FUND RAISING .. We have done some fund raising recently which has helped us make a start on building our community kitchen area.
VISION .. We are hoping to create a place that we can come together, for feasts which will feed our souls.
CREATIVITY .. Being able to create our own food that we can make and share.
FUTURE .. I see us sitting together on the picnic tables tasting our delicious pizzas that we have created after a long day working on our Sanctuary whether we have been tending to our Allotment area, cleaning out and caring for our animal residents on our Care Farm or doing one of the many jobs that come with helping to run a small holding. The money we raise will be going towards the 2 pizza ovens and 2 BBQs (many of our volunteers are vegetarian/vegan), that will complement and finish our community kitchen area and make it complete.