What is the need for your project in the community? How will your project improve local life?
There is a need for access to cheap creative and play reSources. Locally, there is confusion around local waste management, recycling and the Circular Economy. ReSource will act as a hub of knowledge and promotion of sustainable, reuse creative activity. reSource aims to develop a community learning style cafe, with the basis of its menu being mainly plant based making use of surplus, 'wonky' (unwanted) produce. reSource will provide meaningful work/volunteering opportunities for those that are excluded from the workforce, or may want to develop further skills. For the community creative workshops and safe, clean and reusable items will be offer. Within the reuse store and cafe there will be positive and meaningful volunteering and job opportunities, including support made available for those who need it to help them in their role. reSource will aim to improve local life through community cohesion and involvement of anyone interested in sustainable activity, those who wish to learn a new skill, purchase cheap creative materials based in a model of reuse, take up volunteering and job opportunitiees in the reuse store and wonky veg cafe.
What support do you have from the local community for your project?
In a short time reSource has participated in a number of community events, this includes- an inclusive community party, providing creative activities. Making decorations for a women's day event. reSource supports the running of weekly open doors, a creative session, preventing isolation. reSource supported Ruthin's first Repair Café. Due to the current situation- postponed events include:-a 4 day workshop around eco practices and the Circular Economy for children, and development of a school's Earth Day. reSource has a team and support from 5 highly skilled trustees.
Who will benefit from your project?
North Wales is a rural community. reSource project will benefit a wide range of people from within its community. This could include individuals, families, children/adults, community groups and educational settings. This will also include people with additional support needs, where reSource will work to ensure help and support is available in order that individuals can be supported to partake in work/volunteering opportunities withinin reSource. There is a population of 246 974 betwee Denbighshire and Flintshire counties. 3,500 are unemployed adults.
Tell us more about your project and how it will benefit your community if you are successful.
Funding will enable reSource to provide a physically accessible and safe premises. The premises would allow for the safe, storage, sorting and selling of reuseable 'waste' from local business and trade. This would be accessed by the community, community groups and schools, additionally, volunteering and work roles will be created. Local organisations have begun to enquire about waste donating, 20+ bags of fabric was recently redirected from landfill, following a theatre clearing out unwanted fabric. Local organsiations have begun to enquire about reSource and invovlement in their projects.
Please give a breakdown of the costs of your project.
reSource premises- converted shipping container £4500. Accessible access ramp £1000, transport and siting, connection to electric mains of container £1000. Fit out container- storage, accessible seating and workshop tables etc. £1000. Creation of 'changing place' toliet facilities- fully accessible, tolieting, washing and changing facilities to enable people with a wide range of needs to access the site and facilities £2500 Total £10000. Site of the container is being provided free of charge by another social enterprise that owns the site.