Help your community projects receive funding from Calor: Click here for more details

Equipping the Community to be Independent

by Paul Sartori Hospice at Home in Pembroke, Wales, United Kingdom

We did it
On 16th July 2020 we successfully raised £1,760 ( + est. £172.50 Gift Aid ) with 24 supporters in 42 days

We are raising money for end-of-life patients to have free access to equipment so they can be cared for at home

by Paul Sartori Hospice at Home in Pembroke, Wales, United Kingdom

Help your community receive Calor funding:

Help your community be in with a chance to receive a slice of Calor’s £85,000 funding pot by supporting their project today!

Projects receive 1 point for every like or share and 10 points when someone donates. When public supporting ends on 7th July, projects with the highest scores from each funding category will go through to the finals. And even if they’re not shortlisted as a winner, each finalist receives £500! So what are you waiting for? Help your community project out today!

Rules and conditions


Log in or sign up if you haven’t supported before and click the Like button on the project page. Each project receives 1 point for every like they receive between 9th June - 7th July 2021. Remember you must be logged in before you like the page for your like to count.


Log in or sign up if you haven’t supported before and click the Share button on the page to share the project on your personal Facebook profile. Each project receives 1 point for every share they receive between 9th June - 7th July 2021. Remember you must be logged in before you share the page, for your share to count.


Log in or sign up if you haven’t supported before and click the Donate button on the project page and enter the amount you’d like to donate. Each project receives 10 points for every donation they receive between 9th June- 7th July 2021. Remember you must be logged in before you donate to the page, for your donation to count.

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.