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Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi: Outdoor Nature Exploration Area

by Gari Owen in Deiniolen, Wales, United Kingdom

We did it
On 7th July 2021 we successfully raised £8,872 with 155 supporters in 28 days

We are raising money with the aim of developing an exciting and inspiring interactive outdoor nature exploration area for our community.

by Gari Owen in Deiniolen, Wales, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

With the extra funding we would develop our outdoor nature area even further by including even more exciting and creative activities for our community i.e. another greenhouse for the community to grow their fruit, vegetables and plants, additional bee-keeping equipment so more families can participate in the activities, another bird watching shed overlooking another aspect of our beautiful surroundings, two picnic benches for families to relax at and have some lunch while enjoying their exceptional outdoor experience, and a nature trail travelling through the wonderful wildlife gardens we will have at our disposal. Furthermore, if we were lucky enough to receive ever more funding, we would look to develop a part of the garden into an outdoor gym with various equipment for families to come and enjoy while staying fit and healthy.

About Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi

Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi is a school of 156 pupils situated in the rural community of Deiniolen. Since opening back in 1927 the school has become an integral part of the community over the years. We are keen to ensure that we maintain our close relationships with parents and families. Located at the foot of Snowdonia, the school grounds are surrounded by beautiful, natural habitats that at present, the school aren't taking advantage of. Our school grounds are 80% concrete, and have very little areas to explore nature and wildlife. As a Green Flag School / Eco School, we want to develop our pupils' ability to be self-sustainable while learning to grow their own plants, fruits and vegetables at home and respect the nature around us. 


Why do we need your help?

Currently, our community offers very little exciting and interesting activities and experiences for families to be able to enjoy together. Our project will hopefully provide the platform for families and friends to be able to form and build relationships while having fun. The amount of time being spent by children inside the house playing video games and using technology is becoming a detrimental issue, therefore providing this inspirational outdoor area will encourage children to explore other activities which will be beneficial for their health. 


Our Vision - The Outdoor Nature Exploration Area

  • Nature trail experience - This trail will guide visitors through our outdoor nature area. Numerous activities will be provided along the trail for families and friends to participate in.
  • Bird watching cabin - The opportunity to use provided binoculars to discover the variety of wildlife within our surroundings. Helpfully, the inside walls will be full of interesting information for visitors do learn about the surrounding nature and wildlife. 
  • Greenhouse and equipment - Our greenhouse will be open for use on a booking system. Visitors will be able to use this facility in order to grow plants, fruit and vegetables for their families. 
  • Planters and plants - The planters will be available for the community to use and hire. Additionally, the plants we buy will attract a variety of wildlife within our gardens.
  • Beehives and beekeeping equipment - Providing beehives and the appropriate equipment will allow visitors to explore and examine how bees produce honey. Families will also be able to collect honey from the school once it is ready. 
  • Moth traps - The moth traps are another exciting feature for families to learn about the various species within our surroundings. 
  • Pond-dipping equipment - Another fantastic activity is the pond-dipping. Our visitors will be able to explore our pond while discovering its contents.
  • Signage and information boards - The signage is a crucial part of our outdoor area to ensure visitors use our area appropriately and enjoy the best experiences. Information boards will encourage visitors to learn about the nature and wildlife while having fun with their loved ones. 


Our Stretch Target Vision

  • Outdoor gym area - This exciting idea will provide another dimension to our outdoor area. Visitors will be able to enjoy our outdoor gym equipment in order to improve their health and physical activity levels during their visit. 
  • Picnic benches - The picnic benches will provide visitors with an area to sit down and talk about their experiences while enjoying a spot of lunch.
  • Additional greenhouse - Having this additional greenhouse will provide more families with the opportunity to grow their own produce. 
  • Additional bird watching shed - Building another bird watching shed overseeing another area of the surroundings will improve visitors' ability to explore the wildlife.
  • Additional beekeeping equipment - The additional equipment will ensure that more individuals can explore the wonderful bee activities we will have within our garden.


The Rewards

Our rewards on the right hand side of this page will hopefully inspire you to support us on our journey to bring our community closer together. These rewards show our appreciation of your support and is a way of saying thank you for your kind and generous donations.

Without your support this project will simply not be possible. Please, please, please think of the great impact this project could have on our community and help us on our journey to reach our target!



This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£5 or more


If you donate £5 towards our project you will receive a special Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi badge.

£10 or more

Pen and badge

If you donate £10 towards our project you will receive an Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi writing pen as well as the Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi badge.

£15 or more

5 of 30 claimed

Exclusive Access

The first 30 people to donate £15 towards our project will receive an invitation for exclusive access to our outdoor nature area. They and their families will be the first 30 groups to enjoy our exciting activities.

£20 or more

3 of 30 claimed

Name a plant

A £20 donation towards our project will be rewarded will naming a plant within our wildlife garden. This could be for members of family / friends or in memory of loved ones.

£50 or more

2 of 3 claimed

Name a beehive or moth trap

A fantastic £50 donation will be greatly rewarded with naming our moth trap or beehives. Again, this could be related to family members, friends, in memory of loved ones or any creative names that you can think of.

£75 or more

0 of 4 claimed

Name a picnic bench

If you donate a fabulous £75 towards our project you will be rewarded with the honour of naming one of only four picnic benches within our nature gardens.

£100 or more

1 of 1 claimed

Name our greenhouse

If you donate an astonishing £100 towards our project you will be rewarded with the honour of naming our one and only greenhouse.

£150 or more

1 of 1 claimed

Name our birdwatching shed

Finally, if you generously donate a special £150 towards our project you will have the ultimate honour of naming our main attraction, the birdwatching shed.

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