New stretch target
Any extra money raised would be used for future maintanance of the fountain and repairs if required. If there is any further excess this will be used by CRiB to maintain the village planting and gardens.
To provide a central drinking fountain & water bottle filler for our village community to encourage drinking of water and save plastic.
by Charlotte Blundell in Curry Rivel, England, United Kingdom
Any extra money raised would be used for future maintanance of the fountain and repairs if required. If there is any further excess this will be used by CRiB to maintain the village planting and gardens.
Your community needs your help. Show your support and this project could be in with a chance of receiving a slice of Calor’s £85,000 funding pot. Projects receive 1 point for every like or share and 10 points when someone donates. Remember to log in or sign up for your points to count. Click here for more details.
What is the need for your project in the community? How will your project improve local life?
The fountain will encourage our community to drink more water as it will be located in a central location within the village. If the model chosen can also provide a bottle re-fill station this will encourage re-usable water bottles therefore reducing plastic use and waste.
What support do you have from the local community for your project?
The community have not yet been approached/informed as the project is in its infancy.
Who will benefit from your project?
The fountain will benefit our entire community of approx 2148 residents (& their dogs if we can get funding for a fountain with a pet water bowl).
Tell us more about your project and how it will benefit your community if you are successful.
This project is the brain child of Madelaine King Oakley who was a member of the Curry Rivel in Bloom (CRiB) who saw these types of fountains on a visit to Australia and thought that it would be a benefit to our village. Sadly she passed away in Oct 2018. As a group, we (CRiB) are raising funds to fulfil her dream. The fountain will encourage our community to drink more water as it will be located in a central location within the village. If the model chosen can also provide a bottle re-fill station this will encourage re-usable water bottles therefore reducing plastic use and waste. The approximate cost of the fountain installation and fitting would be approx £6000 with ongoing costs for maintenance, servicing and cleaning. Other funding grants are being applied for from Wessex Water, the Parish Council and NFU Mutual. There will be additional fundraising events in the village also (plant sales, quiz night etc).
Please give a breakdown of the costs of your project.
As previously stated this project is in its infancy. Searches have indicated that a fountain providing a bottle refill station and pet drinking bowl will cost approx £6000 to supply and fit. This will be carried out by a specialist firm. The funds will be managed by CRiB as an organisation (bank account and treasurer are in place).