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Native Bluebell wood for Standburn Community Park

by Jill Davidson in Standburn, Scotland, United Kingdom

We did it
On 7th July 2021 we successfully raised £1,220 with 9 supporters in 21 days

To enhance the variety of nature within our community park, plant 2000 native bluebell bulbs and create a short woodland path.

by Jill Davidson in Standburn, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Following the revival of a committee to care for Drumbowie park, also known as Standburn Community Park, we are striving to make improvement to the park. Each year my social media platforms are filled with pictures of bluebells. This is something which is missing from our woodland area. 

The sight and smell of native bluebells brings joy to people and many people travel considerable distances to experience them.

Let's create an area in our woodland along with a small path to enjoy them year after year. 

What is the aim of your project?

To source and purchase 2000 native Bluebell bulbs, plant in an area of existing woodland within Standburn community park and create a short woodland path for visitors to enjoy the sights and smells. To create opportunities for visitors to enjoy nature, add to the sensory enjoyment of the park, diversify the nature in the park and encourage a native species along with the many insects that will benefit.

What is the need for your project in the local community and who in the community will it benefit?

Standburn is a formal mining town. It is well documented the impact the demise of the mining industry has had on communities such as Standburn. Quality green space has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Standburn has poor public transport service and no pavements to walk safely out of the village. Quality green space that people can walk, cycle or wheel to should be a right. By enhancing our park we can secure access to nature for the whole village.

Tell us more about your project expenditure and how it will benefit your community if you are successful.

2000 Native bluebell bulbs cost Approximately £600. Path creation materials would start at £400 for materials. Ongoing maintenance would be minimal yet the display of colour and fragrance would return year after year. Care of the path would be encourage ate dinner in the yearly schedule of work required for the path carried out by volunteers.

Please give a breakdown of the total costs of your project, which lists how any funds raised will be spent.

2000 native bluebells = £600 Hardcore 20 Tonne = £525 Drainage pipe already sourced from a donation--

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