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Gunness Village Hall Audio Visual Project

by Dave Oldfield in Gunness, England, United Kingdom

Gunness Village Hall Audio Visual Project
We did it
On 16th July 2020 we successfully raised £30 ( + est. £5.00 Gift Aid ) with 2 supporters in 42 days

To install the latest Audio Visual equipment to enable education & training sessions for both children & adults plus live concerts.

by Dave Oldfield in Gunness, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

This money will be required to complete our objective of the installation & completion of this project. 

1st place in the Calor Rural Community Fund - £5,000 Category

  • What is the need for your project in the community? How will your project improve local life?
    The delivery of this project will enable education & training sessions to take place in our new village hall in addition it will enable small concerts & public meetings to take place.

    What support do you have from the local community for your project?
    This project has the backing of Gunness Village Hall Fund Committee & Gunness Parish Council.

    Who will benefit from your project?
    The residents in the immediate area & those in surrounding communities totaling around 3500 people.

    Tell us more about your project and how it will benefit your community if you are successful.
    We have a local company provide us with a detailed quotation for provision & installation of this much needed equipment. The shortfall in funding will be provided from our own funds & grant from Gunness Parish Council.

    Please give a breakdown of the costs of your project.
    Projector £1269.80, Projector Mounting £168.90, Motorised Screen £686.90, DVD Player £98, HDMI Switcher £782.75, PA Mixer £256.90, CD Player £308.20, Stereo Amp £298.60, Speakers £254.10, Radio Miv System £324.80, Hearing Loop System £485, Miscellaneous braket, cable's etc £518.50, Installation £985, VAT £1400.57, Total Cost £8403.42.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

Those pledging £10 will be listed on our Supporters Roll of Honor to be displayed at the Village Hall & on our face book page...

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