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by Deanne in Stalbridge, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 7th July 2021 we successfully raised £120 with 8 supporters in 28 days

We are an arts based Community Interest Company whose aim is to place creativity of all kinds at the heart of people's lives.

by Deanne in Stalbridge, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We have set a target of half of what we estimate that we require to complete all of our wished for initiatives, should we manage to attract more funding than this it will reduce the amount of money we will need to source from elsewhere. THANK YOU.

Guggleton Farm Arts is situated in the yard outbuildings of a 16th century farm, the land of which has now been covered by housing. The farm is located in the small town of Stalbridge, Dorset. An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

In January 2020 we became a CIC [Community Interest Company] and in January 2021 we became a certified member of Social Enterprise UK

We have 6 local Directors and a 9 strong Creative Committee made up of artists, craftworkers and members of the local community. Our aim is to provide opportunities for residents, and visitors, to become involved in creativity of all kinds at all levels; alongside showing the work of others to inspire, running classes which allow the participants to aspire, reaching the young through our 'Guggleheads' fun and engaging with as many individuals as possible.

Our focus is upon creativity and development. We aim to provide a welcoming environment for the creation of the new. In whatever form that might take for the individual. Our offer encompasses diverse artistic disciplines such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, textile design, music and performance, ceramics and associated crafts. We hope also to develop into stone carving, photography and film making.

It is our wish to provide an opportunity for anyone in the community, who so wishes, to become involved in a creative pursuit of some kind in order to foster new work, artists and skills, both amateur and professional. This brings many benefits, not least increasing amenity and boosting mental health. 

We support established artists by providing them with a space to experiment, new artists with the network, structure and exposure to develop and raw artists with the opportunity to grow. At the heart of all our work is the belief that a creative pursuit, no matter its form and independent of its outcome, promotes wellbeing, nurtures the mind and provokes discussion and engagement. We are a place for all ages and experience, offering opportunities to become involved in a creative community, with all of the joy and growth that this creates.

With the appearance of international galleries such as Hauser and Wirth and Messum’s in the wider geographical area around us, we know there is the need and appetite for an everyday alternative.  We aim to demolish the threshold barriers that face many Fine Art institutions [those which make people feel their places are ‘not for them’] by remaining true to our community; whilst at the same time building on and growing the receptivity of the surrounding area to the arts.

That said, we aim to offer support over every aspect of a persons’ creative outpouring, with a programme of exhibitions, events, workshops and talks that develop both the participator and the viewer, whatever their personal circumstances; entertaining and stimulating whilst remaining playful and relevant.

If your approach to life and the arts in any way coincides with our own then please do help us to reach more people, and maybe pay us a visit some time!



This project offers rewards in return for your donation.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

A 'I'd rather be @the Gugg' t-shirt or mug

£20 or more

£20 Reward

An 'I'd rather be @the Gugg' pin badge

£70 or more

£70 Reward

Two tickets to an event of your choice in the next year

£100 or more

£100 Reward

A 'I'd rather be @the Gugg' sweatshirt

£200 or more

£200 Reward

One full day course of your choice within the next year.

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