New stretch target
Buy more football equipment for our group to use. We have over 200 children training twice weekly so need all the help we can get.
To provide small sided football goals at Kingston playing fields in Neilston
Buy more football equipment for our group to use. We have over 200 children training twice weekly so need all the help we can get.
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We'd like to have our own goals to use at our playing fields in Neilston to make our club more self-sufficient and less reliable on booking expensive out of town venues for training and matches.
What is the need for your project in the local community and who in the community will it benefit?
Kingston playing fields is owned by East Renfrewshire Council and has 2 x 11-a-side pitches used exclusively by Neilston Wasps Youth Football Club, we would like to introduce small sided fixtures for our younger teams but require small goals and nets to do this. At least 1 set of goals would be left out for use by all other kids in the community. our club has 250 players from ages 5 to 20 and Neilston is a rural community with a population of 5000
How we'd spend any funds raised:
Our project has a total cost of £1130 , the surplus 130 pounds would be paid from club funds. This would mean the local community could watch their children play football without travelling to other towns and cities, It would benefit the children of the village as they would have somewhere local to play football and have further opportunities to make new friendships whilst getting healthy and fit.The local community has really supported the club and we would be delighted to be able to offer better facilities to all sports fans within the community as we eventually wish to expand the club to include other sports clubs and other community groups such as cycling, walking groups etc thus offering wellbeing and friendship opportunities for all members of our small community.
Total project cost would be 1130 pounds for 4 x football goals, no overhead costs We would purchase 2 x 5-a-side metal goals at a total cost of 400 pounds and we would also purchase 2 x 7 a side goals plus nets at a total cost of 730